RSHP Alliance
This page is for members of the RSHP (Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood) Alliance. The alliance will work collaboratively to ensure high quality RSHP across all sectors and consistency in quality of information. The alliance is formed between organisations from education, healthcare and the third sector.
The Padlet which supports the alliance can be accessed here
Please feel free to add any training, resources, evidence or service information which you think is relevant
- The Chat report was published formally in November. It was commissioned at a national level and the report is in the form of a website here – the research has participation from parents & carers across Scotland. The website has helpful ‘challenge questions’ and ‘spotlight issues’ that focus on topics of key interest to parents & carers. The website also has the key stats in the form of infographs that can be shared. The alliance has agreed that we need to be referencing TheChat within our workplaces/organisations to ensure consistent messaging.
Useful report from NSPCC – Children and young people’s views on learning about relationships, sex, and sexuality
If you think your organisation would be a valuable member of the RSHP Alliance, please email us on for more information